

Thursday, December 1, 2011



Christmas is fast approaching & I am further behind than I was last year LOL, along with organizing, still some painting to finish up around the house, decorating, Christmas parties, seven grand's to buy for, not to mention all that wrapping lol I’m going to squeak  in some of those long awaited”just for me’s in there lol!hubby bought some oranges & said wowwww too tart! humm I have a use for those I said LOL so tonight I will be drying orange slices

 Dried orange slice ornaments - These look lovely hanging on the tree.  With the lights behind them, they have a stained glass appearance.  I also hung some on the kitchen cabinet knobs to give the kitchen some holiday cheer.  Just put a single layer of 1/4-inch sliced oranges on a cookie sheet and bake for 2 to 3 hours at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.  Bake until dry and keep checking to make sure they don't burn.

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